News from Hermosillo (Updated Nov. 23)
Hola from Hermosillo,
Just getting in here at 2:00am after 16 hours of working through business items in the Evangelical Free Church of Mexico National Conference that we are hosting in Arbol de Vida in Hermosillo. It is a joy to see God at work in Mexico and it is such a privilege to be part of it!
I was called away from the meetings in the afternoon to visit one of our youth girls in the hospital. Eunice had been suffering fainting spells which was complicated by the flu (their treating her as if it was H1N1 – I don’t know that it is a confirmed case) and was admitted to hospital last weekend. Eunice is one of the  youth that came on the mission trip to Canada in 2007 and for her age (15) is an amazing athlete, teacher and leader. We have been praying for her for days and seeing God at work, not only in her but in her family and others. Last night her dad came to the church and had the leaders pray for his daughter and then today they got permission for me to pray for her in the hospital. With very limited access it took special permissions and a lot of convincing at the security access point to be able get in to see Eunice. God directed the visit in a special way and I left sensing the hope and joy that only He can bring to a tough situation. Yesterday, the cardiologist told the father that they would have to operate and implant a pacemaker to regulate Eunice’s heart rate to keep her from passing out. José, the father, found me back at the church later in the evening and overwhelmed by how God is working and that Eunice had such joy after our visit that she was singing praises with her mom in the hospital room. He said that the Psalm that I read to Eunice (Psa. 139) was the same one he had read to her just before I arrived* (see update below).   God confirmed His message of His perfect care and design for her life to her as she realized that we (her father and I) had unknowing shared the same message with her in the same afternoon. God is amazing!!!
Please pray that Eunice will leave the hospital free of the flu and of heart problems and that this trial will serve to strengthen her faith and that of her family for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Joyfully serving the King of Kings,
Greg Neufeld
*I talked to José later and found out that he had shared the same thoughts (from Psalm 139) with his daughter the day before, not just before I came… just want it to be accurate.
I talked with José today (Nov. 23) and they have been reassured (after various tests) by the cardiologist that Eunice will be fine and will not need a pacemaker after all so we are all rejoicing with them! Thank you for your prayer!