Huge Neufeld/Arbol de Vida News! Annelise is engaged! New Sanctuary going up!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Our daughter is engaged!!! We are so excited for Annelise and Devir Gonzalez! They got engaged on December 21st! Devir’s family (pictured below) is visiting us here in Canada over the Christmas/New Years holidays. More to come in the new year on this exciting news!

Double your Year-End Investment in God’s Kingdom in Mexico!
The Arbol de Vida Church sanctuary is becoming reality!!! This new sanctuary for 400+ people is urgently needed not only to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with more people but to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the church this coming October 16-18! Here’s a recent video report (below) from Hermosillo on the advances that happened with the help of a combined team of Canadians from EFC churches in New Norway, AB and Dawson City, YK. God is providing for this building thus far but there are still many funds needed to finish the roof. A generous donor has pledged to double any donation that is made by December 31st.
If you want to get in on this exciting investment opportunity, please send your donation to:
By cheque:EFCCMBox 850 Langley Stn LCD 1Langley, BCCanadaV3A 8S6
Or donate over the phone at:
Telephone: 604.513.2183
Toll-free: 1.877.305.EFCC (3322)
Or online at the following link: